
Do you hate saying no? Do you often agree to do stuff even at the expense of your own time/obligations? Well, my friend, this post is for you! How many of you find yourselves saying yes to something even if you know you don’t have time for it, just so you won’t hurt someone else’s […]

The Subtle Art of saying no. A How-To Guide for the people pleaser.

How come some people managed to accomplish their goals and some don’t? Yes, it’s true, some people are smarter or stronger or more talented than others and some people just seem to have it easier. But if you look around at the most successful people, which have achieved monumental things, you’ll see a lot of […]

Having trouble accomplishing things? Here’s how to easily fix it

We are all social creators, we spend so much time surrounded by other people, connecting in all kinds of ways, planing dates and activities but have we forgotten how to date the most important person, ourselves? Yeah, you read me right. You. Are you the type of person who only does certain activities with others, […]

A beginner’s guide to dating yourself

So it’s New Year’s Eve, you sit down and set these fabulous resolutions; declaring “this year is the year I’m going to XXX”! But comes next New Year’s Eve and nothing has really changed… If this sounds familiar, this post is for you. So this year, let’s not just throw resolutions like “I want a […]

The ultimate guide to goal setting (and how to actually achieve them in 2019)

Winter is officially here (yes… no denying it anymore). And together with the cold weather, the great styling options, and dreamy Christmas vibes the winter also comes with physical and mental challenges. Seasonal depression, anyone? We all joke about the “winter blues” but Seasonal depression (aka seasonal affective disorder (SAD)) is a real thing. The […]

10 ways of self-care to beat the winter blues

Let’s start with the fact that it sucks to fail. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you – it sucks sooo bad. Come on, Nobody in his right mind likes to fail. So why am I telling you I can’t wait for my new business to flop?? As you might know by now I’m […]

Why failure may be the best thing that has happened to you since sliced bread





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