
So you’re living a nice, comphy, kinda satisfying life… safe inside your comfort zone. Maybe on the outside it even looks like you ‘have it all’ but there is this feeling in the bottom of your stomach that something isn’t quite right… that it’s not enough, that there is something bigger out there and you […]

How to boldly pursue ‘your best life’ even if you don’t know what it means (yet)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin We all know the drill: the alarm goes off, waking you up from a sweet sweet dream, and all you can think about is hitting the snooze button (again and again) and going back to sleep right up to the point you HAVE to get up. Sounds familiar? Having trouble […]

15 easy ways to become a morning person

Whether you are making a big change in your life (relocating for work? Having a baby? ) or you’ve decided to follow your dreams (and start a business), it is much harder to do it on your own. Thus, developing a support network is a key element to every success. You know the saying “it […]

4 essential steps to take to build the best support network

Hey! So this week is my birthday… Oh man! What a year it has been… People around me always said life after turning 30 is just a downward spiral. Boy, they were wrong! I had the best year ever and I’m just getting started… Today I thought it would be fun to share “31 Things” […]

30(+1) Rocks – birthday post

A bucket list is a list of things we would like to do before we die. Places we want to travel to, things we want to achieve or buy, etc. A reverse bucket list is a list of all the things we have done so far. Looking back on what you have already accomplished will […]

The bucket list hack that will blow your mind





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