You might think in order to get back on the happiness track you need to make some big-ass life changes. Because of course, you’ll only be happy when you get that job you wanted for a while, or when you buy that car or go on that vacation. Sorry to be the one to tell you that – It doesn’t work that way.
Life is happening right now. Not “when”. So the time to enjoy your life is right here and now. I’m all for making big plans for the future and striving for more – but I promise you none of those things will make happy. Only YOU can.
Ok. So you’ve decided you want to be happier. Congratulations! You’ve just made the first step. Now what?
“If you can’t fly then run if you can’t run then walk if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” | Martin Luther King Jr.
As my man, Martin said: if you can’t walk then crawl. Sometimes you just need to start small. If you haven’t read the post “Happiness Hacks: 10 ways to be happier in under 10 minutes a day” then you should. 10 minutes a day is a great place to start with. Don’t tell me you don’t have 10 minutes a day for your happiness…
Decided you’re going to do the #100happydays challenge and need some ideas? Just want more inspiration on what can uplift your day and lighten your mood a bit?
1. Smile. Sometimes change starts from the inside out and sometimes just the opposite.
2. Do Something Nice for Someone Else. Mark Twain said: The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Even the smallest gestures make a difference.
3. Straighten Up. Your mom was right about standing straight—not only does walking with proper posture make you look slimmer, it also perks you up. According to a study: The cheerier your walk is, the more positive your memories of an experience are.
4. Say “thank you.” Practice your attitude of gratitude as much as you can.
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things | Robert Brault
5. Wake up early.
6. Have a morning routine. Try these “10 Morning Habits Of Happy People”
7. Hug. OMG hugs are just the best! They are not only good for your soul but also for your health! Try it now, it’s like a natural remedy for joy.
8. Call a friend just to say “Hi”.
9. Look up photos of cute animals online. Preferably doing adorable things.
10. Sit on a park bench and enjoy the greenery.
11. Drink coffee in bed. Just have a lazy morning one day and enjoy that weekend silence with a good cup of Joe.
12. Appreciate small gesture of kindness from someone who loves you. The food your mom prepares for you when you come over or a friend sending you a GIF just because they thought it will make you laugh.
13. Listen to music.
14. Have a glass of wine. Even better- call up a friend and open up a bottle.
The most simple things can bring the most happiness | Izabella Scorupco
15. Connect with People. No texting or emojis please – Have a real conversation. Seeking out meaningful conversation is proven to improve your sense of well-being.
16. Binge watch your favorite TV show. 8 hours of “games of thrones” anyone?
17. Look at the clouds and try to guess what shapes they form.
18. Read something. Find the time to read that book you’ve been wanting to a while or your favorite blog 😉
19. Treat yourself. Eat/drink/buy that little thing that will make you happy.
20. Walk barefoot on the beach. Feel the sand between your toes.
21. Sit in the sun. Soak up that vitamin D.
22. Feel the wind in your hair as you drive.
23. Crank up the radio and sing out loud. Obnoxiously loud. Even, and especially, if you’re a bad singer like me…
24. Dance. Dance like no one is watching you.
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present | Jim Rohn
25. Mediate.
26. De-clutter. It turns out that clutter has a profound effect on our mood and self-esteem. Try these “10 Creative Ways to Declutter Your Home”
27. Buy yourself flowers. Don’t wait for no one. Bonus points: Studies show that exposure to flowers can reduce anxiety, negativity, and depression and might even improve memory.
28. Spend time with happy people. If you want to be happy surround yourself with positive people. You know, that one friend that always makes you feel better – call them now.
29. Be grateful for the smallest and most “granted” things in life – the food on your plate, fresh drinking water, your home, and family. Lots of people can only dream of those things.
30. Learn something new. “It’s actually a core need for psychological wellbeing…” says Vanessa King, a positive psychology expert at ‘Action for Happiness’.
31. Take a photo of something you like and cherish it.
32. Have an ice-cream – no need to explain that one right?
33. Go outside. Even 5 minutes of fresh air can give you a fresh perspective.
34. Make someone’s day by just texting them “thinking of you” for no reason.
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved | George Sand
35. Say “I love you” to someone. Bonus points if they say it back hahaha
36. Take a walk in the rain. Leave your umbrella at home and just give in to the raindrops.
37. Do something “child-like”. Allow our inner child to come out and play.
38. Try something new. Change up your normal routine and mix things up!
39. Get out to the wild. Get out of the concrete jungle and appreciate all that mother nature has to offer you. I’m sure you can find a little piece of untouched heaven that’s not that far from you.
40. Blow soap bubbles.
41. Get present. Studies find the best way to stay cheerful is to stay centered in the present—even when it’s not all that pleasant.
42. Do some yoga. Check out Nursing Degree’s “77 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga” for some inspiration.
43. Rearrange some furniture. Changing our environment can help us feel refreshed and overall happy.
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness | Ralph Waldo Emerson
44. Pet an animal. Research suggests dog owners are less stressed out than their puppy-less counterparts but even 5 minutes of petting an animal are proven to amp up your mood. If you don’t have a pet, head to your local dog park and make a new furry friend.
45. Breath. Take a really deep one right now.
46. Celebrate small victories. Don’t take your accomplishments for granted. Made an awesome omelet today? Fixed a leaky faucet all by yourself? Finished an extra hard Sudoku? Give yourself a pat on the beck.
47. Laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. It can cheer us up and decrease anxiety.
A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose. Tom Wilson
48. Dress up. Wearing something nice and feeling good about yourself will definitely put you in a good mood. A UK survey of 100 women found that wearing clothes that flatter the figure helps to set a positive vibe for the day.
49. Jump around. Shake off the bad energies and get those endorphins pumping fast.
50. Apologize to someone. No bad vibes around here. Get rid of that grudge you’ve been holding and just let it go.
51. Forgive someone for a small offense. It works both ways. If someone apologizes to you – try to forgive and forget.
52. Make plans. Research shows that just the anticipation for something good will make you happier. Plan something fun to do so you’ll have something to look forward to.
53. Stop and smell the flowers. Literally. Inhaling some scents can reduce anxiety and improve mood.
54. Have sex.
55. Eat some chocolate. As if we needed a reason other than ‘it’s delicious’: Eating chocolate can actually make us feel happy and healthy.
56. Think of three things that you like about yourself.
57. Have a picnic.
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life | Omar Khayyam
58. Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you happier.
59. Smell fresh bread. I don’t know how about you but the smell of fresh Pastries always puts me in a good mood. It might be the fat kid inside me but just try heading over to the nearest bakery and inhale that freshness – you’ll see what I’m talking about.
60. Walk it off. A short walk will decrease stress and will put you in a better mood.
61. Snuggle up. Researchers found there’s something about contact with soft things that just makes us feel happier and more relaxed.
62. Go to the beach.
63. Watch a sunset.
64. Pamper yourself with an at-home spa-like experience.
Change your thoughts and you change your world |Norman Vincent Peale
65. Do something. Getting one tiny little thing off your to-do list and onto the ‘it’s done’ list will give you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Try this “ultimate morning ritual that will immediately improve your day”.
66. Listen to a child’s laughter.
67. Say “no” to something you really don’t want to do. Self-care is a MUST step on the road to happiness.
68. Write it down. Did you know that taking the time to write down 3 positive things each day will make you more optimistic and less stressed?
69. Take a nap. Just because.
70. Think positive. No matter how bad things may seem, there is always something to be happy about.
None of these things are big or profound and you might be even doing them without noticing. Start doing more things that make you happy and start noticing the little things you already do and see how life becomes much better.
Keep in mind, being happy doesn’t mean you don’t get sad sometimes, on the contrary- a little darkness is always needed to see the stars. But when you do look up they will shine brighter than you could imagine.
Tried the tips on this list and still feel a bit down? Just give it time. As J. Cole: The bad news is nothing lasts forever, The good news is nothing lasts forever.
What other ways can you think of that will make you feel happier right now? What will you try out today? Let me know in the comments,
My 3-step formula to increase productivity, reduce stress, and create more balance in a busy world.
Say Goodbye to 'Task Chaos' and the feeling of never truly getting ahead, and say Hello to a more organized, focused, and accomplished you!
Oh I loved it! Feeling much more happy right now for sure 🙂
Thank you! So Happy to hear!