Positive psychology

If you search “how to be happier” on Google you’ll find about 100,000,000 results. Why? Everybody wants to be happier. I know how busy you here but don’t you have 10 minutes for some joy? “I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness… We all are seeking something better in […]

Happiness Hacks: 10 ways to be happier in under 10 minutes a day

Want to have a good day? Start off your morning with positive momentum? Try making your bed and see what happens. Yes, you read me right. Make your bed. I’ve been making my bed every morning since I was a child – one of the many results of a strict Russian upbringing. Not only that […]

The ultimate morning ritual that will immediately improve your day

Happy first day of summer! Although here the temperatures have been high for a while now, Today is officially the first day of summer and the perfect excuse to plan some fun summer leisure activities. Also, a little treat at the end of the post just for you… Ah, summer! You’re my favorite!  But it’s not […]

25 Fun summer leisure ideas under 25$

The average person spends nearly 2,300 (!) hours at work each year. Probably most of us even more. That’s CRAZY! So why not try to have some fun while we’re there? while still being productive and ‘getting the job done’ you can try to add small things, one at a time, to add just a […]

20 Life-changing ‘fun at work’ hacks

Today I completed 100 days of gratitude and let me tell you how grateful I am for that.I have been practicing my gratitude for a couple of years now but haven’t been able to do it consistently. Every time I had a different excuse why I stopped and it took me a while to get […]

100 Days of gratitude





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