Leisure is not just the time free from obligations or a fun activity. Leisure is a way of thinking. It’s A state of mind. ” a great deal of harm is being done in the modern world by belief in the virtuousness of work, and that the road to happiness and prosperity lies in an […]

Leisure state of mind

The average person spends nearly 2,300 (!) hours at work each year. Probably most of us even more. That’s CRAZY! So why not try to have some fun while we’re there? while still being productive and ‘getting the job done’ you can try to add small things, one at a time, to add just a […]

20 Life-changing ‘fun at work’ hacks

Today I completed 100 days of gratitude and let me tell you how grateful I am for that.I have been practicing my gratitude for a couple of years now but haven’t been able to do it consistently. Every time I had a different excuse why I stopped and it took me a while to get […]

100 Days of gratitude

As modern technology innovations revolutionize the concept of the term “work” and blur the lines between work and “life”, some courageous people take it a step further and blur them completely. For those “Digital Nomads” the internet offers opportunities that didn’t exist until recently to combine work and the freedom to travel the world. “Modern technology […]

A month in the life of a digital nomad

A bucket list is a list of things we would like to do before we die. Places we want to travel to, things we want to achieve or buy, etc. A reverse bucket list is a list of all the things we have done so far. Looking back on what you have already accomplished will […]

The bucket list hack that will blow your mind

For the past decades, leisure has changed its status – from being “the time you spent not working” to a significant part of our lives, our time and our identity. Tell me what you do in your free time and I’ll tell you who you are. Let’s begin with trying to understand what leisure is. The […]

Why leisure is the new black





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