Have a nagging sense that there are never enough hours in the day and that you always fall behind on your to-do list?  

Feeling Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone: A Guide to Navigating ‘Task Overwhelm’

We all strive to be our best, productive selves – getting the most out of our days, feeling accomplished and satisfies and most of us believe that time management is the golden ticket to our “4 hour work weeks” but unfortunately time management can be a total waste of our times.

Why Time Management Isn’t The Way To Be Productive?

‘I don’t have time for that’, ‘ I wish I had the time’, ‘if I had free time I would…’ Sounds familiar? I KNOW! We are all so busy with “life”, constantly running from thing to thing (and never getting everything done…). In the meantime, we forget that leisure time is an important part of […]

7 fail-proof hacks to have more free time no one told you

Leisure is not just the time free from obligations or a fun activity. Leisure is a way of thinking. It’s A state of mind. ” a great deal of harm is being done in the modern world by belief in the virtuousness of work, and that the road to happiness and prosperity lies in an […]

Leisure state of mind

For the past decades, leisure has changed its status – from being “the time you spent not working” to a significant part of our lives, our time and our identity. Tell me what you do in your free time and I’ll tell you who you are. Let’s begin with trying to understand what leisure is. The […]

Why leisure is the new black





My 3-step formula to increase productivity, reduce stress, and create more balance in a busy world. 

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