Let’s be real: We live in a world where our phones are basically extensions of ourselves. 🤳🏼 From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, we’re scrolling, typing, and clicking our way through life… But here’s the thing—while technology is amazing, it can easily take control of our attention, productivity, […]

Digital Mindfulness: the Key to Reclaiming Your Focus

Have a nagging sense that there are never enough hours in the day and that you always fall behind on your to-do list?  

Feeling Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone: A Guide to Navigating ‘Task Overwhelm’

“Leisurehacker” was born 6 years ago today. Leisure-hacking, for me, is and has always been about lifestyle design. Lifestyle design is intentionally crafting a way of life ( = how you spend your time, energy, and money) that aligns with who you are. This means that a “good life,” a happy, fulfilling, satisfying, successful life, […]

Leisure Hacking 101: 3 Steps to Designing a Life You Love

Do you ever find yourself staring at a long list of tasks, feeling completely overwhelmed and paralyzed by the sheer volume of it all? 

The Secret to Getting Unstuck and Taking Action

How do you expect to tackle the overwhelming demands of your day, find time for what truly matters, and end your days feeling satisfied without having a clear task management process ?

How Can Busy Professionals Go from ‘Task Overwhelm’ To Effortlessly Efficient?

In life, we all face tough times that can really test us. Whether it’s a personal problem, a work challenge, or the unpredictable world around us, these moments can be a real struggle.What determines how we handle these challenges and how we come out on the other side are the mental tools at our disposal. […]

5 Mental Tools for Challenging Times





My 3-step formula to increase productivity, reduce stress, and create more balance in a busy world. 

*Get Your Sh*t Together:
A FREE Guide to Organizing Your Life

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